Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dynamo Hub!

I'm going to be carrying some camera equipment, a nexus 7 and my cellphone. Probably the tablet is the one that is going to use a lot of power and I'm going to need to charge its battery a lot. Therefore I must rely in some energy sources I can generate on my own.

One of the things I'm carrying with me to charge the batteries of my devices is a dynamo hub.

Thanks to Tío Tom I got this hub for a really cheap price. Second hand but it will certainly do the job. It outputs 6V, 2.4 W. Enough for my needs considering I will be pedaling the whole day I think I will need some sort of storing energy device but with the help of the solar module and rechargeable batteries I think all will be alright and I won't need to carry something extra.

A nice piece of equipment that will complement the other sources of energy I'm going to have with me during the trip.

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